Careers – Lawyer

Candidates who desire to become a lawyer at Demircioğlu Koçak Bayraktar Attorney Partnership should evaluate the following criteria and submit their applications via e-mail to A resume and motivation letter must be attached thereto.

The main qualities we look for in our lawyer candidates are:
• Being graduated from a prestigious law school,
• Having solid theoretical and practical knowledge of private law,
• Having a very good command of both written and spoken English and preferably a second foreign language,
• Having the highest level of command of computer use and office programs,
• Being a team player and, if need be, a leader with good communication skills,
• Being punctual and meticulous.

As Demircioğlu Koçak Bayraktar Attorney Partnership, we care about the protection of your personal data. You can reach the Awareness Declaration that we have prepared in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data here. By applying, you will be deemed to have given your express consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the principles set forth in the awareness declaration.