Express Consent


The personal data categories to be processed, the personal data to be processed, the purposes of the processing, the persons to be transferred, the collection methods and legal reasons, the identity of the data controller and my rights have been explained to me in a detailed and understandable manner by Demircioğlu Koçak Bayraktar Attorney Partnership with the Clarification Text. I have read and understood this informative text in its entirety.

Except for cases where express consent is not required for the processing of personal data specified in paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698;

I consent to the processing, recording, updating, controlling, classifying, processing, recording, and updating of my personal data, including photos, dates, private personal data transferred voluntarily by the visitors, commercial information (photo, personal information, educational information, trade name, signature circular, etc.), language on the site, cookies, usage preferences specified in the Clarification Text, information on usage habits, limited to the purpose, subject, category, transfer, method and legal reason in the Clarification Text or storage as required by the relevant law, being aware of all the meaning and consequences of this statement with the awareness of its possible future consequences, with my free will.


The personal data categories to be processed, the personal data to be processed, the purposes of the processing, the persons to be transferred, the collection methods and legal reasons, the identity of the data controller, and my rights have been explained to me in a detailed and understandable manner by Demircioğlu Koçak Bayraktar Attorney Partnership with the Clarification Text. I have read and understood this informative text in its entirety.

Except for the cases where express consent is not required as specified in Article 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698;

I consent to the transfer and storage to the specified places, including domestic and international of my personal data, including photos, dates, private personal data transferred voluntarily by the visitors, commercial information (photo, personal information, educational information, trade name, signature circular, etc.), language on the site, cookies, usage preferences specified in the Clarification Text, information on usage habits, limited to the purpose, subject, category, transfer, method, and legal reason in the Clarification Text or storage as required by the relevant law, being aware of all the meaning and consequences of this statement with the awareness of its possible future consequences, with my free will.


I agree to the processing of my personal data by Demircioğlu Koçak Bayraktar Attorney Partnership in order to create special products, services, and offers for me and to send commercial electronic messages to my contact information that I have shared within this framework.

Communication permission is not required. You can always withdraw the communication permission you have given without giving any reason. It is not obligatory to obtain permission from message recipients who are merchants or artisans before sending messages.